Monday, April 13, 2015

The End...For Now

This is totally the kind of world we live in.

Someone sent me this link showing a photo series showing the lack of boundaries women have pretty much everywhere; work, on the street, at the bar, even in yoga class.

There’s this poem called The Daughters of Zion from the Bible, and this is where I can talk about how rape is written, because Johnny Miles used a feminist approach to re-read the text as a rape text. The original author makes is sound like rape is okay, and pieces like this only contribute to the culture. We need to start writing about these assholes going to jail.

Another thing I read was about how many sex slaves had been taken during World War II. And pretty much any war that has happened anywhere ever. Why does that seem to be the first order to business in a war? Rape all the women! How many stories have I heard about a woman or girl being gang raped while her husband/father/brother were tied up in the corner and forced to watch?

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE??? How can such an act of intimacy get turned around into a violent hate crime?

We need to talk about this. People need to stop being uncomfortable, and need to share their own experiences, because this problem is not going to go away until we do. We need to raise our children with different attitudes. Shame needs to stop. We need to realize that this is a terrible problem that has to be resolved.

Who’s with me?

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